Shrunken Writing

 On Friday 26th March, 1977 there were 3 friends, Alexa, Rebecca and Lavinia. It was a really sunny day but cold at the time. 

The day had started and they did maths in the first block science in the middle block and carried on with science in the last block.Rebecca, Alexa and Lavinia were mucking around during maths so they had to stay in at Morning Tea. What a sad.

Morning Tea had finished and they started with science. What a lucky Alexa, Rebecca and Lavinia were in the same group.“What science experiment should we do”? Mentioned Rebecca.

“We should do a mini student potion and prank Mr D, so he can shrink”, added Lavinia.

“Oh, that would be a good  idea”. Answered Rebecca.

They all  began to start their project and Alexa was getting irritated because it was too hot and stuffy in the classroom. 

“Clean up class it’s nearly lunchtime”, Mr D yelled

“Okay”. Everyone agreed.

They ended up playing catch and run at lunch playing. It was a funny game because they all played and most of them stopped playing because they got tired of running. Lunchtime had finished and they all hurried to class.

“Carry on with your experiment for a bit and we will go out for dodgeball after”. Says Mr D.

“YAY” everyone agreed

“AHAHAHAH”. Alexa, lavinia and Rebecca were Laughing.

Hey, you 3 stop laughing! Matter a fact you 3 can stay in the here and carry on with your science experiment”. Chuckled Mr D.

“Oh nah, we’re sorry Mr D, we’re sorry”.

“No I don’t want that!”

“No I don’t want that”, mimiced Alexa.

“Eww, don’t mimic me! Clean up class, except for those 3 girls”.

“Please Mr D can we come out and play”, asked Lavinia.

“No you can stay in here and carry on with your work”.


So the 3 girls had to stay in class and do their project.

“Aha remeber when we wanted to do a mini potion to prank Mr D”. Rebecca said.

“Yes”. Alexa and Lavinia agreed.

“Yea well we can tip it on him so we can bully him for being so short and mini”.

“Good idea Rebecca”, sighed Lavinia.


So they continued on with their project and sang songs. Oh no Alexa has made a mistake.

“Alexa why”? Rebecca yelled.

The potion bubbled and over flowed over the jar.

“Remeber when we made a mini student potin well look, it spilt, so don’t touch it!” Exclaimed Lavinia.

So as the potion bubbled, they didn’t have a choice. They would have to clean it otherwise it would shrink the whole classroom. They had tryed to clean it with the paper towels but the potion was to strong and they all shrunk to 5cm or should I say 2 inches tall. Now they would have to struggle and try to avoid all the hazards and everything else.

“See now look what you’ve done”! Mentioned Rebecca.

“Oh i’m sorry”. Answered Alexa.

So now they have to explore the future being a mini student. How are they gonna feel?

Being a mini student was really hard for Rebecca, Lavinia and Alexa because they couldn’t pick anything heavey only like string, straws, cotton, paper, books and pieces of old cardboard. Well obviously they were only 2 inches tall.


“(Whistly), come here little fellas, come here?” Alexa was callingfor the ants.

“What are you doing?” Lavinia asked.

“Oh I’m calling for the slaves so they can hunt for some food.”

“Well what are we gonna eat then?”

“We can eat the crumbs off the floor”.

“Great idea Alexa”.

So as all the ants were hunting, they waited for their food to come. The ants bought their food back and there was tons of crumbs there was bread crumbs, chip crumbs and biscuit crumbs. So now they have heaps to eat.

It was Saturday and they didn’t know what to do so they made paper aeroplanes and played on them. They made it out of paper and glue. Whatever they wanted to climb and they couldn’t they can use the aeroplane to fly up there.

It was funny because they had nothing to hold so they had to balance on top of the plane.

They had to be careful wherever they flew beacuse if they went to the corners of the roof then they would of died. Spiders, Birds and Rats/Mouses are their HAZARDS!! There was a hole in the wall at the bottom near the corner of the cuboard; that’s how the mice and rats can come in.

Night Time 11:55pm

They made a bed and a pillow so they can all slep on it. They used paper for the bed and scrunched up paper for the pillows, they also used coloured paper for their blankets and tucked it under them. They all fell asleep happily ever after.

It was a Sunday morning when they woke up in a shock, they all looked in the mirror and saw themselves the height they were before they shrunked. 

“Yay we’re back to normal!” Said Lavinia.

Finally they were back to normal now they can get them some burgers and chips to eat and coke to drink. But before that they had to clean everything up first especially the potion on the ground. They went to clean it and they shrunk again so technically they can’t clean it only when it dries up in about 3-5 weeks till now. Everytime they shrink they un-shrink every 2 nights.

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