Archive of ‘Roscoe’ category


My favorite performance was the little red riding hood act/play. Why I liked is because it was funny and entertaining I also liked it cause they had a boy as the grandma and that made me cry of laughter.

My second favorite performance was the first one were the little girl was singing. Why I liked it is because if she can go up and sing in front of like a lot of people than i could’ve but no when I was like 6 or 7 years old I was the one laughing at the kids who did get up and sing.

My third favorite performance was the joy song one why I liked it is because it got me hyped and got me jumping off my seat and I also liked how they were confident and put power in it and that’s what makes a good performance

The hardest thing ive ever done

The hardest thing ive ever done was to win a prize with my last dollar. I had four people around me my brother my other brother and my sisters why it was hard is because I have bad luck but what made it real hard was because it was for my sisters birthday and plus I only had one shot at it and if I miss  then i’m gonna get called not the “arcade king” and I really wanted that name so I put my dollar in the machine and then the machine said “get ready” but I wasn’t ready so I then I go to choose the one that she didn’t want but was the easiest and it was a big fluffy monkey cat thing I pressed the pick up button and and I missed the monkey toy and then I ran away from my brother before he says i’m not the “arcade King” and that was the hardest thing I’ve ever done.

Why Spider man and batman is my favorite superhero

I like Spiderman because he is very funny and has awesome powers.

The first reason why I like spiderman is because he saves people around his city and he is very flexible and is confident in his plans like hes doesn’t get pressured.

The next reason is I always just think about swinging around high up in the air and also having a superhero suit oh and plus you can climb walls.

Now why I like Batman is because

He has no powers but is still called a superhero.

My second reason is because he is very smart and hes not predictable cause hes always different  when it comes to starting the fight. Like one way he comes in quiet then attacks one person then fights but another way he does it all quiet and sneaky.

My third reason is that he learnt martial arts for a long time and now he gets to show em off and help Gotham city.

I remember…

(1) I remember when I saw my baby sister as a baby from like day 1 and I love this memory because we have a new life in our family and we need to take care of her.

(2) I remember when I first ever made it into counties in year 7&8s rugby boys and that made  me and my family so happy because iv’e been trying from year 4-7 so that was a big achievement for me.

(3) I remember when I got my first ever console in my whole life and it was a PS2 I loved the PS2 it had one my favourite games called jak and daxter I used to always play it and also when I came back from picking up my younger brother from kindergarten we used to play scooby-doo night of 100 frights and my other two player game was WWE smack down vs raw oh me and my brother loved those games.


The person that knows me best is my younger brother why? because hes always with me were like glued together but not glued together. He knows everything about me like this one time I came back from school and my brother got my favorite pizza cheese pizza then I said to him”How do you know my favorite pizza” Then he replied “It’s because I know” and i was shocked. But that is not it he also knows my favorite ice cream flavor witch was boysenberry ice cream. He got it at the right time because it was a sunny day

My role model

My role model is my older brother Angus. He’s very mature and brave.

The reason why I want to follow him is because hes good at instruments like guitar,piano and the drums. I learn my guitar skills from him like this wipe out song and a justin beiber song  and I got some songs I know myself.

The next reason is that he’s really good at driving he’s really confident when there’s scary turns like turns when your close to the edge of a cliff but he makes it look easy but it really aint.

The third reason is because he is really on to it what I mean by that is you give him a simple task like drive down somewhere and he’ll do it and also he’s a hard worker. His job is welding he welds trucks and playgrounds and that pretty hard

The last thing is that he is very intelligent hes good at everything like math,reading,writing and art. He could be great as a teacher in my opinion.

So I would love to be like him.

The things I hate or hate seeing.

The first thing that I hate is looking at a clock. Why? is because if I’m doing something e.g at school I’m doing my work and maybe I’m wondering what time it is and it feels long to me but if I check the clock its only 5 minutes and that is irritating.

I also hate seeing people put in milk than their cereal because if you do that you just have less cereal so that’s just plain dumb.

I also hate in horror movies when the people obviously see the spooky door that opens right in front of them and if you see a door that opens by itself that basically means their’s danger towards it but the horror actors go to the danger in front of them.

The last thing I hate is going to sleep and waking up at 2:00 then for me when I wake up I’m hyped so I can’t go back to sleep it’s a struggle so I forced myself to go back to sleep and then I wake up late anyway.

My goals for 2019

-My goal for this term is going to be me trying to learn my 6-8 times tables.

-How I will achieve my goal is I’m going to practice my 6 times tables first cause I think its easier than 7s and 8s. Ill work on these for like 5 mins and twice a week.

-My goal for this year is going to be me trying to keep my attendance straight.

-How I will achieve this goal is I will go to sleep around 8:30-9:00 therefore ill wake up to 6:00-7:00.