Narrative writing

It was the holidays, and I didn’t want school to end because I knew I would miss my friends,sports and some of the teachers, but I was excited because my birthday was in the holidays.

I was at home and my Mum and Dad were out of town doing a business deal with their workmates. I was at home alone and anonymously, someone texted me and, saying  “I am going to ruin your birthday, tomorrow so watch out”.

I didn’t tell anyone because I didn’t think it was a big deal or serious, I went to sleep early because my birthday party was tomorrow.

The next day I woke up and got ready for my birthday party, I went downstairs and saw my friends and I really felt the love and that they cared for me.

Everyone that was invited turned up and everyone was having fun. I was surprised because my Mum and Dad actually showed up and they did surprise me.

My Mum and Dad showed me that they really do care and love me by turning up to my birthday party I was so happy but…. I did see a strange mysterious man wearing all black and he was very bolky, I was very suspicious because I literally had no idea who he was.

I walked upto to him feeling very awkward and strange and asked “Do I know you”? He said nothing and went into his pocket, he grabbed his phone and showed me that he was the person sending those text messages. He grabbed me and threw me into his car, he drove me to his house and shoved me down his basement.

I noticed that there were two other girls in the basement as well, I saw a knife and grabbed it, I waited until he came closer to me and when he did I stabbed him and he fell to the ground, I took the two other girls and we ran to my house. I told my Mum everything and she called the police straight away, the man did get arrested and the two girls went to their families. After that my I enjoyed the rest of my holiday.

1 Comment on Narrative writing

  1. sarinacps19
    May 5, 2019 at 3:06 pm (5 years ago)

    Happy birthday laani(If it was your birthday)


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